4 Rounds
20 Push Up
500/400m Row
Max. Clean and Jerk in remaining time (135/95)
Rest 3 mins between rounds.
C: 115/95
M: 15 Push Up/Mod Push Up, 450m/350m, 95/65
4 Rounds
20 Push Up
500/400m Row
Max. Clean and Jerk in remaining time (135/95)
Rest 3 mins between rounds.
C: 115/95
M: 15 Push Up/Mod Push Up, 450m/350m, 95/65
CrossFit Adaptation - CrossFitCore Sample (AMRAP - Reps)EMOM 25 Min 1: 3 Rope Climb Min 2: 12 Walking KB Lunge...
CrossFit Adaptation - CrossFitTube Man (Time)3 Rounds for Time 30 Squat Snatch (75/55) 20 TTB Rest 1 minute: (then 1...
CrossFit Adaptation - CrossFitTube Man (Time)3 Rounds for Time 30 Squat Snatch (75/55) 20 TTB Rest 1 minute: (then 1...