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CrossFit – Tue, Feb 18

CrossFit Adaptation – CrossFitCore Sample (AMRAP – Reps)EMOM 25 Min 1: 3 Rope Climb Min 2: 12 Walking KB Lunge (2pd/1.5pd) Min 3: Bike Calories 14/11 Min 4: 20 Lateral Med Ball Toss (20/14) Min 5: Rest Work is performed in order; separate groups should...

CrossFit – Mon, Feb 17

CrossFit Adaptation – CrossFitTube Man (Time)3 Rounds for Time 30 Squat Snatch (75/55) 20 TTB Rest 1 minute: (then 1 Minute max burpees scored separately) C: 75/55, 20 squat snatches, knee to elbow M: 65/45, 20 squat snatches, hanging leg raise / candle stick1...

CrossFit – Mon, Feb 17

CrossFit Adaptation – CrossFitTube Man (Time)3 Rounds for Time 30 Squat Snatch (75/55) 20 TTB Rest 1 minute: (then 1 Minute max burpees scored separately) C: 75/55, 20 squat snatches, knee to elbow M: 65/45, 20 squat snatches, hanging leg raise / candle...

CrossFit – Sat, Feb 15

CrossFit Adaptation – CrossFitT (5 Rounds for time)5 rounds for time of:
 100-meter sprint
 10 squat clean thrusters
 15 kettlebell swings 100-meter sprint Rest 2 minutes Men: 115 lb. and 2 pood
 Women: 75 lb. and 1.5 poodMarine Master Sgt. Aaron Torian, 36, of...